We’re focused on student success! Equitable access and inclusive barrier-free environments are our goal at 赌钱app可以微信提现. If you're a student who needs accommodations, here's what you need to know.
The Access Services team is ready to partner with you in navigating your academic and career paths. 赌钱app可以微信提现 values the diversity that disability brings to campus. We’re dedicated to providing you equitable access to all College programs and services so every Cavalier can take part in the full college experience and campus life.
Our goal is to work with the 赌钱app可以微信提现 community to create an accessible and inclusive environment and to deliver accommodations and services to you when barriers to access are discovered.
Requesting Assistance
The process starts with YOU! College is an opportunity for you to partner with Access Services and determine the accommodations you need in each class. We want you to get the access and support you need, so we’re happy to walk you through the process and connect you with resources that will set you up for success!
To request accommodations or services:
- Complete an application for services through myAccess.
- Provide documentation of disability to Access Services that describes the current impact of your disability in an academic setting.
- Documentation requirements vary, depending on disability, but may include a psychoeducational evaluation, Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, statement of diagnosis that includes current functional limitation of disability, audiogram and/or other relevant medical documents.
- Documentation may be emailed to myAccess or uploaded to your myAccess account when you apply for support through Access Services.
- Access Services will review your documentation and determine your eligibility for accommodations.
- Make an appointment with Access Services to request and determine appropriate accommodations.
- To schedule an appointment, call 913-469-3521 or email accessservices@132072.com.
- Accommodations and services may vary from class to class and are determined on a case-by-case basis.
This meeting is an opportunity for us to learn more about you and to explain our processes and the many resources available at 赌钱app可以微信提现. During this meeting, you will complete your specific requests for each class through your myAccess account. Accommodations will not be in place until you complete your request, and the accommodations are reviewed and approved by Access Services. Once accommodations are approved, we will email a Faculty Notification Letter to each of your professors which lists the accommodations that you will receive in that course.
As a returning student, you know the ropes, but we’d be happy to meet with you to talk through your request for accommodations for each class.
- To schedule an appointment with Access Services, you may log in to your myAccess account and choose “Request Appointment” on the left side toolbar or email accessservices@132072.com.
- You may go directly to your myAccess account to request accommodations. Access Services will approve or contact you to discuss your request.
- Log into your myAccess account (Remember to choose “Sign-in” and use your 赌钱app可以微信提现 Username and Password).
- Acknowledge Responsibilities
- Choose the Rights & Responsibilities tile and you’ll see the area for your electronic signature.
- Select Classes in Which You Need Accommodations
- Scroll to the middle of the page to see “Select Accommodations for Your Classes” and choose the classes in which you’ll need accommodations (follow the instructions in the yellow box).
- Choose “Step 2 – Continue to Customize Your Accommodations.”
- Choose Accommodation
- Specifically select the accommodations you need in each class.
- Submit Your Request
- Advisor will approve OR contact you to discuss the request.
Faculty Notifications will be emailed to you and your professor the week before classes begin or within 48 hours of your request.
- Access Advisors are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your upcoming semester. Please feel free to contact us!
Ready to meet with someone in Access Services? Follow these simple instructions and you’ll be set.
New to Access Services?
If you have not completed an application for myAccess, call us at 913-469-3521, or email accessservices@132072.com.
Already using Access Services?
If you’re a current student with a myAccess account, go ahead and complete the online appointment request form.
- Log in to myAccess system
- Choose “Request for Appointment” on the left
- Review the notes and choose the gray Request for Appointment button
- Answer the questions so we can get prepared to help with your specific needs then choose face-to-face, phone, or virtual via zoom option.
- Choose appointment purpose(s)
- Choose three options for your availability and submit the request
- Look for your appointment confirmation email from accessservices@132072.com and mark your calendar
Feel free to call 913-469-3521 or email accessservices@132072.com to request help in making an appointment. Our friendly staff will guide you through the process.
We look forward to seeing you soon!After your accommodations are approved, Faculty Notification Letters will be emailed to your professors before the start of the semester or within 24 hours of being approved if requested after the semester begins. The Faculty Notification Letters inform professors what accommodations will be used in their classrooms. Specific information regarding your disability is not shared.
You are encouraged to:
- Email your professor to verify receipt of your accommodation form.
- Consider scheduling an individual meeting with your professor to discuss your accommodation request in person.
- Inform Access Services of any concerns and/or schedule changes throughout the semester.
If you are having a problem with an accommodation, with course accessibility, or with any other academic or personal concern, schedule an appointment with an Access Services advisor or the Deaf Services coordinator so we can discuss options and come up with a plan to help you resolve the problem. Our team will not know you have a concern unless you let us know, so reach out because we’re here to help you!
Accommodations Available
Here are some of the more commonly used accommodations. However, we work with students on a case-by-case basis to develop an individualized accommodation plan that provides equitable access.
Course content can be made available in alternative formats based on your need.
Requesting alternate format textbooks
To ensure your requested alternate format is available when needed, you should:
- Request Early – Requests for alternate formats are processed in the order that they are received by our office.
- Purchase Books – You must show proof of purchase of textbooks before your alternate format texts are made available for use. You can upload book receipts in the Alternate Format tab within your myAccess account.
- Check Status – You may log in to your myAccess account to check the status of your alternate format request.
Procedures for retrieving alternate format text
The Alternate Format Coordinator, Pam Huckleberry, will contact you via your 赌钱app可以微信提现 email account with instructions on how to access and/or pick up materials and equipment. Email Pam Huckleberry with any questions.
Emails will be sent to your @stumail.132072.com account only. Be sure to check this account regularly. If you need assistance accessing your student email account, ask any Access Services staff member or Student Center information specialist for help, or visit the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Technical Support Center.
Assistive technology (AT) is available for use by students with disabilities. Access Services can help you find the tools you need.
If you are a student who is deaf or hard of hearing, you may request a sign language interpreter and other needed accommodations for your 赌钱app可以微信提现 classes.
If you wish to use the services of an interpreter or transliterator for classes at 赌钱app可以微信提现, you should make an appointment with Deaf Services and Accommodations coordinator Matt Gwynn and complete a request through myAccess.
You will need to submit your audiogram or other documentation so that the request can be processed.
When using the services of an interpreter, you have the following responsibilities:
- Be on time for classes. At 赌钱app可以微信提现, interpreters are required to wait for a student 15 minutes for each hour that the class is scheduled to meet. An interpreter is only required to wait a maximum of 30 minutes for a three-hour class. After waiting the appropriate amount of time, the interpreter will report back to Access Services for reassignment.
- Introduce yourself to both the interpreter and the professor.
- If you discover that a film or video being shown in class is not captioned, contact Access Services as soon as possible.
- If an interpreter does not show up for class, text Matt Gwynn at 913-593-2366 or call him via Video Relay Service at 913-549-9636.
- If you have a problem understanding the professor or interpreter during class, you should first discuss the problem with the interpreter (he/she may be able to change his/her signing style and resolve the confusion). If the problem cannot be resolved with the interpreter, contact Access Services.
- If you need and interpreter for activities outside of regularly scheduled classes (e.g., a meeting with a professor or tutor or a performance in the Carlsen Center), complete a Custom Interpreter Request in myAccess. The interpreter request should include requestor's name, activity title and location, date of activity, and start and end times of activity.
Interpreter Services Interruption
If you miss three consecutive, or excessive, classes without notifying Access Services, you will need to meet with the Deaf Services coordinator to discuss a resolution. If there is a problem with attending class, contact the Deaf Services coordinator.
You may qualify to receive notetaking support in your classes. Access Services offers several options to students who need accommodations related to capturing course information.
Supplement your own notes:
- LiveScribe Pen: You may check out a LiveScribe pen to use for notetaking. LiveScribe pens allow you to take your own notes on paper while capturing your notes and the lecture electronically. If you’re interested in this option, please visit with an Access Advisor for more information.
- Glean: Glean is a software program that allows you to take notes on your laptop and record your lecture with a unique organization system. If you’re interested in this service, just let your Access Advisor know and we’ll get you the tools you need to take notes with Glean.
- Professor provided notes: Your professor may provide all students with a copy of class notes on the course shell in Canvas. Some students are able to take adequate notes when supplemented with PowerPoint slides/notes provided by the professor.
Get notes from a peer notetaker:
Access Services will recruit a student in your class to serve as your peer notetaker. Your identity will be kept confidential and you’ll download notes from your myAccess account.
Access Services will recruit a student in your class to serve as your peer notetaker. Your identity will be kept confidential and you’ll download notes from your myAccess account.
Instructions for downloading notes from your myAccess account:
- Use Google Chrome as your browser
- Sign into your myAccess account
- Choose: Notetaking Services (under My Accommodations) on the menu on the left side of the screen. This page will list:
- Your classes with a notetaker request
- The name of your notetaker (if a notetaker has been assigned)
- Notes available for download
- To Download notes:
- Choose “Available Note(s) for Download (Click to Expand)” box
- Choose “Download Note” for each file you want to download
For questions regarding peer notetakers, you may email our Notetaker Coordinator.
Notetaker Assignments
Prior to the start of each semester, potential notetakers are recruited by Access Services. Once we receive your request we either make an assignment to a student who has already signed up to be a notetaker in myAccess or we begin recruiting a notetaker. Our recruitment process includes sending a recruitment email to select students in your course, asking your professor for help in recruiting a notetaker, and/or going to your class to request a notetaker in person.
Once a notetaker is assigned, you and your professor will receive an email from the Notetaker office.
If you would like to recruit your own notetaker, please discuss this with an Access advisor when you meet to set up your accommodations.
How to Use the Accommodation
If possible, you should try to take notes while you are in class and use the notes you download from myAccess to clarify information you may have missed. This will allow you to develop your listening, writing and reading skills and facilitates your success as a student.
Suspension of Accommodation
Your notetaker accommodation may be temporarily suspended for the following reasons:
- You miss more than 3 consecutive class periods or have excessive absences unrelated to a disability approved accommodation.
- You have not accessed your notes through the notetaking portal in myAccess.
Access Services is not responsible for providing notes to you if you are absent from class for reasons that are not disability related.
Problems with a Notetaker
If you experience problems with a notetaker, you should try resolving the matter by asking the professor to verify the quality of the notes.
If you have further questions or concern with your notes, email notetaking staff for assistance.
Testing Accommodations
There are several ways in which your testing accommodations may be provided. Please review each option below and contact an Access Advisor with any questions.
Procedures for Approved Testing Accommodations
1. Extended Test Time with your Professor
Some faculty have chosen to proctor exams for students who have approved accommodations. Please talk to your professor before your first exam to see whether you will test with your professor or schedule your exam in the Testing Center.
2. Course Tests Proctored through Testing Service
These steps are for all students who are taking course exams through Testing Services, whether in a private room or in the Testing Lab.
Important to Remember:
- You must schedule your exam a minimum of 24 hours before the exam day/time.
- You will not be able to sign-up for the exam until your exam is delivered to Testing Services by your professor.
If you run into ANY issues, please contact your Access Advisor or email accessservices@132072.com.
- Log into Canvas
- Choose your Course
- Choose: “Testing Services Request” on the left column
- Choose the exam you want to schedule under the approved exam(s) listed
- Select Accommodations – DO NOT schedule the exam if ANY accommodations you need are missing. Contact Access Services immediately so we can add any approved accommodations that are not on the list.
- Choose a date (must be at least 24-hours before exam date)
- Choose a time (must be at least 24-hours before exam date)
- Verify First Name, Last Name, and 赌钱app可以微信提现 student email address
- Review testing requirements (testing requirements, such as photo ID required, no personal items, etc.) and choose “I agree to follow the above guidelines” button.
- Enter your 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student ID number
- Choose “Add to Cart”
- Choose “Complete Registration”
- If you don’t see an accommodation you need, DO NOT SIGN UP for the test.
- Only choose the accommodations that were approved for the course. If you don’t remember, open your myAccess account to review course approved accommodations.
- If your test isn’t available to schedule, email your professor asap and contact Access Services if you need any assistance.
- Reach out to Access Services with any questions or concerns.
- Email Testing Services with any technical questions regarding the sign-up process.
Canvas now provides students with alternate format options on most documents. When you see a down arrow symbol next to a document in Canvas, you can choose "alternate formats" and have the option to access the document in a variety of accessible formats.
Johnson County Community College has been providing accommodations to students with disabilities since before the passage of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The College is committed to providing an equitable and accessible environment for all students. Discrimination on the basis of disability is prohibited.
What do I do if my accommodations are not being met or I’m concerned about accommodations offered by Access Services?
- Contact your Access advisor as soon as possible! Our team will communicate with students, faculty, and staff involved as part of the interactive process of an informal grievance. The Access advisor assists in seeking a resolution for times in which a course is not accessible, or an approved accommodation isn’t being provided or has been denied.
- You may also contact the assistant dean of Access Services if there is a complaint related to an Access Services staff member or if the issue isn’t resolved with the Access advisor. The assistant dean will continue the interactive process by gathering information from you and other parties involved. Most disability-related issues or concerns are resolved at this level.
- If you do not agree with the decision made by the Assistant Dean of Access Services, you may contact the Dean of Students, who will review your concern and the decision process made by Access Services.
- If the issue is not resolved, you may choose to submit a formal complaint through the 赌钱app可以微信提现 online reporting system.
You may also choose to file a complaint externally with the Office for Civil Rights.
Office for Civil Rights, Kansas City Office
U.S. Department of Education
One Petticoat Lane
1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320, 3rd Floor
Kansas City, MO 64106
Telephone: 816-268-0550
Fax: 816-268-0599
Email: OCR.KansasCity@ed.gov
OCR complaint website
Transitioning to College
- You can take charge of your path to success as an adult. Parental support continues but takes a different form.
- You get to set up your own schedule in college – no more 8 am-3 pm in school. Effective time-management skills become an important player in managing time outside the classroom.
- There won’t be time to finish your homework during class. For each hour spent in class, you should plan on 2-3 hours of study time outside of class time.
- Attendance policies vary greatly from class to class. Get to know each professor’s attendance and deadline policies.
- You’ll need to dig into textbooks. The amount of required reading and the level of comprehension increases at the college level.
- Effective, consistent note taking is a must. You can bet you’ll be tested not only over your textbook but over lecture material.
- There may be fewer tests given in a college class, and they may be cumulative, meaning they’ll cover a large amount of material at a time. Homework scores may or may not be figured into the overall grade.
- You’ll be expected to consult the course syllabus or Canvas to know what class expectations are, when assignments are due, when tests are scheduled and how grades will be determined.
College is full of new beginnings and opportunities. Your request for accommodations will be a confidential communication between you and your professor. Your professors will know what accommodations you’re using but not why you qualify. Specific information about your disability will only be shared on a need-to-know basis. Access staff may talk with your parent(s) only with your consent.
If you have concerns about confidentiality, come talk to us so we can work through any apprehension you have. It’s important to understand your rights and responsibilities as you begin college so that you’ll be more confident when requesting and using accommodations. You’ll be your own best advocate! Our goal is for all students to have equitable access to all campus classes and activities.
Our 赌钱app可以微信提现 faculty and staff are committed to help EVERY student succeed.
- Academic Achievement Center (AAC): Learn how to be a more efficient student! Get help with study skills, time management, test preparation and so much more. Ask about one-on-one tutoring support!
- Resource Centers on the first floor of the Billington Library offer a wide range of free tutoring and assistance. Stop at the Ask Desk to learn how to navigate the Center.
Resource Centers: Get specialized tutoring help in math, science, reading, writing and foreign languages.